Monday 27 April 2015

Coachella Outfits: Yay or Nay?

Happy Monday! Coachella has been huge this year, with the likes of the Kardashians, Katy Perry and Rihanna making an appearance and their outfits have really inspired me this season. Some of the outfits were the bomb, but some just plain bombed. Here's a few of my 'yay or nay?' outfit choices. Enjoy!

Kendall Jenner

This look for me is definitely a Nay. Although she looks beautiful as always, these mom shorts just don't do it for me. She looks fresh out of a cowboy movie set which she's rocking as best as anyone could, but it just doesn't work. The booties are chic, but the shorts and little waistcoat don't cut it. I hope she's not walking down any runways wearing THAT!

Even though the last outfit sucked, Kendall's redeemed herself with this simple but really damn cute outfit! Definitely a Yay! The black flowy skirt looks so adorable with the slits in it and looks amazing paired with this elasticated white crop top. She's rocking those same booties as last time, but this time they look 100x better! Go Kendall!

Kylie Jenner

What on earth is going on with the hair? Is it a weave? Is it a wig? We'll never know, but what we do know is that it's totally not looking good with that cap. For the hair, it's a Nay from me. However, this outfit is the bomb! I love the long white robe paired with this cute crop top! Yay for Kylie! 

Bella Thorne

Sorry, but Nay, which is a shame because this dress from H&M's Coachella line is seriously nice, but it's almost as though she's tried to incorporate every 'Coachella trend' into her outfit - the flower crown, the tassled bag, the maxi dress, the floral print, the 'cutesy jewellery' - it's all too much! Bella also went pretty retro in the evening and to be quite frank, that outfit did strike a bit of a 'really?!' moment. You can find that outfit linked here


Hmmm.... this one is a tough one. The doc martens that RiRi is showing off are pretty cool, but paired with this odd coat? I don't know. All this coat reminds me of is Art from Monsters Inc - probably not the look she was going for. The cut out bit in the shoulder area is kind of odd in a coat too... you either want the warmth of a coat, or you just don't wear one. Not to mention that Coachella is in the middle of a desert, so is a coat really necessary? Conclusion? Nay.

Katy Perry

Oh. My. God. YAY YAY YAY. Katy Perry absolutely slayed with her outfit. She looks amazing from head to toe - her hairstyle rocks and I adore this kimono style dress/cover up paired with her adorable sandals. This outfit screams Coachella without it being too cliché or quite frankly tacky. 

Who are you best and worst dressed celebs from Coachella? 
I hope you enjoyed my little fashion rant and I hope you have a great week. 
Also, Happy Birthday to my brother, James who turns 21 today!

Monday 6 April 2015

How to: Chocolate & Vanilla Cookie Crumble Cake

Happy Easter Monday! I hope you've all eaten loads of chocolate this weekend, what better excuse than Easter! On Saturday, I made a chocolate and vanilla cookie crumble cake and I've had so many comments about it on my social media etc with people asking how I made it so I decided to put it in a blog post in case you wanted to make it!

What You'll Need:
  • For The Cake:
    • 170g unsalted butter
    • 170g caster sugar
    • 115g self raising powder
    • 3 large eggs
    • 55g cocoa powder
    • pinch of salt
  • For Decorating:
    • Betty Crocker Vanilla Buttercream Style Icing
    • Chocolate chip cookies
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees (gas mark 5) and line two sandwich tins with baking paper
  • In a bowl, mix the butter and sugar together until light and creamy
  • Sieve the cocoa powder and flour into a separate bowl, add the salt, and mix together
  • Separate the floury mix into thirds and add a third and an egg at a time to the butter & sugar, and mix until thick and creamy.
  • Pour equal amounts of mix into the two tins and spread evenly
  • Put them into the oven for 25 minutes until spongey to touch - you can stick a knife in the centre and if it comes out clean, the cake is done
  • Once cooked, take out of the tins and leave on a wire rack to cool completely
  • Once the cakes are cooled, use a palette knife to spread the buttercream on one side of the two cakes and sandwich them together.
  • You can either do the buttercream on a cake board, or on a bread board and transfer it over afterwards
  • Using the palette knife, spread a thin layer of buttercream all over the top and sides of the cake - this will be your crumb coat. (A crumb coat makes sure that your main layer of buttercream has not crumbs in it - it makes it look nicer)
  • Put in the freezer for 15 minutes in order to firm up the crumb coat. 
  • After taking it out of the freezer, spread a final layer of buttercream over the cake and use the palette knife to smooth out the edges and the top
  • Cut as many cookies in half as you need and use them to line the sides of the cake
  • Using quarters of cookies, place them between the half cookies
  • Crush up a cookie and sprinkle over the top
  • Voila! 
Share your favourite cake recipes with me and let me know if you try out this recipe at all! Have a lovely week x