I'd like to start off by wishing everyone a Happy New Year - I hope everyone had an enjoyable 2014 and 2015 holds many more memories to come for us all. So many exciting things are happening for me this year - not to mention some scary ones too! Mock GCSEs are right around the corner, as well as starting year 11 in September! I'm sure that will quickly creep up on me just as the start of year 10 did! Anyway, let's get on with the blog.
On today's post, I am going to 'chuck together' some of my favourite pieces of clothing into a few outfits that I think will make a statement anywhere you go this January. Whether you choose casual outfits, or dressy outfits, there will be something for everyone (I hope!). I'll leave links with each item as well as prices. Enjoy!
Scrummy outfits Sophie and very you! Happy New Year, hopefully something more exciting than anything else will happen in May x ♥