Wednesday, 9 September 2015

10 Toothpaste Life Hacks!

So, there's actually a ton of ways that toothpaste (yes, toothpaste) can be used other than for cleaning your teeth. These toothpaste hacks include removing stains, cleaning and polishing. Make sure to use non-gel toothpaste for each of these hacks!

  1. Removing scuffs from leather/patent shoes: Just squirt a pea-sized amount onto the scuffed area of the shoe and rub it in circular motions with a soft cloth, then wipe away with a damp cloth when done.
  2. Getting rid of small scratches on phone screen: As done before, put a small dab of toothpaste onto a cloth and rub the scratch for a few minutes, applying a small amount of pressure. Once done, wipe away with a clean cloth. (This is subjective to how deep the scratch is!)
  3. Polishing jewellery/diamonds: Use an old toothbrush to gently brush some toothpaste onto the jewellery to create a shine, then wipe away afterwards.
  4. Preventing fogging on bathroom mirrors: Coat some toothpaste onto the mirror and then wipe clean before showering/bathing to prevent it from getting all foggy.
  5. Polishing/Shining metal and silverware: To remove fingerprints or just give a general shine, use a soft cloth to apply toothpaste in circular motions onto chrome like metal in bathrooms and kitchens.
  6. Removing crayon from walls: If a child has drawn crayon all over your walls, just use the previous methods of applying toothpaste and then wiping away, this time with a damp cloth.
  7. Removing ink or makeup from clothing: Put toothpaste on the clothing item and vigorously rub the fabric together, it may take a few attempts to entirely remove the stain and may not work depending on the fabric and the ink, but it's definitely worth a try!
  8. Getting rid of pimples or spots: This may cause potential irritation if you have sensitive skin, so if that's the case I would give this one a miss. But if not, apply toothpaste by dabbing it on the spot and leave it overnight to dry on the skin. By the morning, it will have dehydrated the spot causing it to be easily removed! When you wake up, wash your face thoroughly with lukewarm water to remove any excess toothpaste.
  9. Easily removing watermarks from wooden tables: Using a soft cloth, rub on toothpaste to the watermark and then wipe away with a damp cloth, letting it dry before making sure to apply furniture polish.
  10. Cleaning the rubber trims on shoes: After scrubbing the rubber trims and soles of the shoes, wipe with a damp cloth.  
I hope some of these toothpaste life hacks help you out in a time of need.
I hope you have a lovely week!

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